Community Water Management

Clarissa Brocklehurst recently posted on the RWSN network the following:

At the Water Institute at the University of North Carolina, we decided to make community management the focus of our most recent WASH Policy Research Digest.  (more…)

Solar water set-ups – a better way?

Earlier this month the Economist published an article on pay-as-you go solar water supply systems that seem to be working well. To quote from the article: “Since they are paying for it, the women and girls who collect the water also take more care now not to spill any, leaving fewer puddles in which mosquitos can breed. Most important, though, is to fix broken pumps quickly. In Kenya Ms Koehler found villagers were prepared to pay five times as much for water so long as their pumps were fixed within three days, compared with the previous average of 27.” Read More…

E4C reports Charitable Foundations have a Unique Role to Play in WASH

“It is clear that community-based management will not lead to long-term provision of clean water services for poor, rural communities. “…in pursuit of an MDG defined by access to improved water source technologies, a focus on installing infrastructure has arguably been at the expense of putting in place the institutional, operational, and financial arrangements required to keep systems working indefinitely.” Long-term service support is needed…. With a few changes, charitable foundations have the potential to make deep improvements in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector in developing countries.” Shifting the emphasis from hardware infrastructure implementation to long-term support will make all the difference.  Read More…