What We Do

Working with strong local partners, Transform selects programs that meet our objectives, then work collaboratively to help plan and develop them. We provide technical expertise and source funding.

Currently our focus is on the following programs:

1. Teaching business skills to small-scale entrepreneurs in Burundi. Our partner is THARS (Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Services)

2. STREAMS – a program to sustain WASH systems in healthcare facilities – water, sanitation and hygiene being critical to safe healthcare delivery, for patients, families and staff. Our partners are DAMRA (Development Action for Marginalized Rural Areas), Rural Development Partners, Rumphi District Government, Development Training & Technical Centre (DTTC).

3. Educational support in Rwanda, Our partner is Rwanda Rising.

4. Upgrades to Healthcare facilities in Rumphi District e.g. repairing the Jalawe healthcare facility maternity wing; providing water treatment to two major hospitals so all water within the facility will be safe; providing menstrual hygiene facilities at selected locations (there are none at the HCFs in Rumphi);


Our Partners and Supporters

We are grateful for support from a wide range of partners and funders:

Rotary Club of Olympia

Rotary Club of Tacoma

Private donors


Interested in supporting our work? Visit How You Can Help.

Transform International was formed in 2016 as a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Washington, and is a 501 (c) (3).